


选择挂载 for education leadership was truly a choice that was a no brainer.


M.A., 教育al 领导, University of Mount Union
B.A, Middle Childhood 教育, University of Mount Union



I am a current educator who pursued the degree of educational leadership to further my understanding of building and district leadership. I was deciding between the idea of a principal's licensure or curriculum director, but then I found a different passion in educational technology. Completing this 程序 will allow me to pursue this passion so that I can become a technology coordinator.


I chose Mount Union for graduate school because, having received my undergraduate degree from Mount, I know firsthand that this is an institution that values personalized instruction. Mount Union upheld all standards I was looking for in my undergraduate degree, so I trusted that this would also be true in my pursuit of a graduate degree. 另外, when viewing educational leadership, I wanted a 程序 that didn't limit me to one track.


I would recommend Mount Union’s educational leadership 程序 to anyone who is interested. Mount Union upholds its values and educational philosophy in each one of its 程序s which leads to a quality of education that is unparalleled by other institutions. When considering other online 程序s, I noticed that the degree was difficult to navigate. Mount Union gave me access to professors as often as I needed to which I believe is integral. I knew some people in Mount’s 程序, and the colleagues that I did not know provided a great opportunity for networking county and statewide. 选择挂载 for education leadership was truly a choice that was a no brainer.


My ultimate career goal is to become a technology coordinator or become an educational leadership instructor at the collegiate level. I believe there is always room to better technology and improve its utilization in education.

What do you spend your summer break doing?

I spend my summers with my wife Sarah, who is also Mount Union alumni, and my son Carter who is almost two years old. I also enjoy running marathons, ultra-marathons and getting up at 4:30 a.m. 运行!